My children talked me into allowing them to have a pair of Bantam chickens. They are Old English ones. We got them back in the spring as chicks. They have matured into beautiful little creatures by God's design. The hen is named Samantha and the rooster is named Rochu (pronounced Row coo) ,sorry if I misspelled his name Zak.
These two little creations of the Lord are quite smart . I have seen some fowl that are not smart, to say the least. But Rochu and Samantha are smart. I have Rochu trained to where he will eat grass and clover from my hand. I hold the grass and clover between my fingers and Rochu gently takes it from me without pecking me. He accidentally pecked me the first time he took the grass from me but has never did so since. I saw the look that he gave me when he did peck me accidentally and I knew this was one intelligent chicken. He is protective too.
Samantha had been laying an egg almost everyday. Then she went to every other day and I knew that soon she would be deciding to set. So since it is fall and winter will be close on it's heels I have been gathering the eggs daily . But Samantha bested me. She laid her last egg and went to setting. I did not have the heart to take it from her. Yes I could have took it from her but when I saw her all fluffed up so protectively over that one egg it pulled at my heart's cords. She looked me in the eye and she knew what I was feeling for she just started clucking to me in a soft sweet voice. I said to her," Samantha , it is going to be getting cold soon. I would that you rather had not started setting right now but since you have I will let you set on this one egg. If it hatches Momma( that is me, yes I call myself Momma to all my animals) will help you take care of it and put a heat lamp up for you as soon as it hatches." Samantha fluffed herself, clucked softly then fell asleep sitting upon her little treasure.
Now every time I go to feed her and Rochu or check on them, Samantha stays on her egg and clucks softly. Rochu jumps on their house roof so he can eat the grass and clover from my hands. Yes, I do have him spoilt. The children tell me this. It has also made Elizabeth a little afraid of him as anytime he sees someones hand near he thinks they have food for him. Elizabeth thinks he is trying to peck her. I have explained why Rochu pays attentions to peoples hands, that it is due to me feeding him from my hand. She understands but is still a little bit leery of him.
Rochu takes his job seriously. He is the protector of Samantha and even though he is small he can be intimidating if he chooses to be to those he does not know, other than Zak, Elizabeth and I. Especially since Samantha is setting on her egg. When Samantha gets up to feed or get water Rochu stations himself in front of their little houses door and marches back and forth in front of it, guarding the egg until Samantha returns to set upon the egg once more. It is really neat to watch Rochu as he sticks out his little Banty chest and struts. He is proud that soon, hopefully, he will have a little chick to help feed and protect. It will be tiny as Bantam eggs are small. They are about the size of the doughnut holes that are in the deli. So we are patiently waiting to see if the egg hatches. ( The picture in the upper left corner is not of Rochu it is of Zak's other rooster Daffodil. Daffodil is a cross between a Rhode Island Red and a White Rock. Daffodils weighs about 12 pounds so he is a good sized rooster. But a still young as he is only 6 months old. He is a big baby. )
I grew up on a diversified livestock family farm. We raised chickens as well as pigs, cattle and horses. We also grew our own corn, hay, tobacco, vegetables, fruits, berries and kept bees for honey. I grew very blest by the Lord to learn how to farm the land and can and do so many other things that only one learns from living off the land. Which I thank God for. I have and am still teaching my children all of this. But back to the chickens. We raised chickens from baby chicks and on up. We sold eggs to customers as well as home churned butter. I raised one baby chick in particular that I recall. His name was Peeper Chee Chee. He grew into a handsome Game rooster. His mom did not want him. She pushed him out of the nest and would not take him back in. So I talked my Dad into letting me bring Peeper Chee Chee into our home. I made him a little pen and daily tended to his needs. I kept his pen clean and dry. Kept him fed and watered. From the time he was just a wee little thing I started placing him on my shoulder. Soon he grew used to this and would ride around on my shoulder where ever I went. Even as a big Game rooster he still rode around on my shoulder. He never tried to peck me, never went the bathroom on me and never did anything odd that one might think a chicken would do. Of course I had to teach him to be a chicken as he thought he was people. It is something as I had to teach him how to scratch the ground as chickens do. I pulled worms up and gave them to him but he did not like the worms that well. What Peeper Chee Chee really liked was grasshoppers. So once I had taught him how to be a chicken he became an outdoor chicken , no longer allowed to stay inside except for the occasional visit.
Some chickens are highly intelligent and easily trainable. And yes, chickens as well as all God's creatures do have feelings the same as we , mankind, do. And it is not true what some scientist say about animals only being able to see in shades of gray. Animals can and do see in color. Some things that scientist have tried to prove over the years have truly made me laugh. Since I grew up raising and working with animals, all my life, I can truly say that I know that some scientist are wrong in a lot of assumptions, theories, hypothesis, or whatever name one chooses to call it, that they have placed upon or said about animals. Animals, fowls, all God's creations are a lot smarter then we, as mankind, give them credit for. And yes animals can understand what we are saying to them and if one truly knows animals they can speak to them. A gift from God is what I call it. One of the special talents that God gives people. God has also used animals in His work to get a message across to someone, Balaam's Ass in the Bible is only one example of the Lord using an animal to open someones eyes up to something they need to know.
Numbers 22:1-41
I thank God for all His creations. The earth is full of the wonders that God has created yet daily so many seek to destroy/kill God's creations. God knows what He is doing but mankind sure does not know what they are doing. I always think about the scriptures that Jesus/God speaks of making those who think they know to be confounded by the weak things, so to speak.
1 Corinthians 1:19-21 19)
1 Corinthians 1:25-31
25) |
26) |
27) |
28) |
29) |
30) |
31) |
I Corinthians 3:18-20 18) |
19) |
20) Galatians 6:3 3) Psalms 94:11 11) |
Isaiah 5:21
I know that some of these scriptures speak of those who think they know what the Bible says and are prideful in thier knowledge which they think they have. But also some of these scriptures speak of people who are wise in their own eyes and that what they think is knowledge or wisdom is follishness to God/Jesus. God created all of us, mankind, His creatures, the earth and that is within it of nature. We know nothing of god's creations or creatures for His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. When one thinks they know of something , yet there our others who know that what one thinks one knows is wrong , that one then is proven wrong to those who know the truth. The reason being is, that one can know the truth even when someone else is trying to say that what they know is true, even though what they profess to know as truth , in reality, is false.
The thing we all need to admit is that each of us at soemtime in our life thought we were right, when in truth we were wrong. It happens. But we are not to be wise in our own eyes. And we definitely are not supposed to try to make ourself look wise in the eyes of others. It does not matter what others think of you as it is God whom each one of us should be worrying about. It is god who knows us as no one else does. He knows our thoughts, our hearts, our minds and all things about each one of us. He knows the truth in it all.
The passage of scripture below is one of my favorites. It speaks a lot in just three verses.
Proverbs 3:5-7 5) |
6) |
7) |
So the next time we start to think that we know what we are talking baout, stop, take a moment and pray to the Lord. Ask God to open your eyes up to see and know what He would have you to see and know. For in truth , God's turth is the truth.
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