Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring 2015

Spring is here. It has been quite sometime since I last posted. I apologize for this.  I can't make excuses for not posting as I merely did not post. I did not take the time to. That is the truth of the matter.

There has been a lot that has happened since my last post. My Mom had her hip replaced in 2012. Shes was 81 at the time. She did great with it. Her doctors said that she did better than most of the younger people they had done hip or knee replacements on. This is contributed to her life of hard work as well the biggest part to her living her life for the Lord God. A lot of prayers went up for her as well and we know that Gd hears and answers our prayers.

Mom is now 84 and still going strong. She has some stiffness and age related things going on, but for the most part she is spry. I thank God for this and that she faces any challenge she is dealt with head on, and goes to the Lord in prayers concerning them. She amazes me everyday and I love her so much. I thank God fro her and my Dad.