Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Have you ever watched birds tend to their young. After they are hatched they supply their young with food. The parents go out and find food to feed the little hatchlings. They tend to their needs . As the baby birds grow and start to get their feathers they become fledglings. Fledglings are soon to leave the nest but they are not ready to be out on their own yet as their parent birds have not taught them how to survive or the necessary things they need to know. So the parent birds take the fledglings from the nest and teach them to fly , they teach them how to find food. They also teach them the right foods to eat and which foods to leave alone. They also teach the fledglings what to fear because it may cause them harm, what to stay away from. So many things that could harm a fledgling that it must learn by watching it parents. But sometimes the fledgling have to learn things on their own that for one reason or another the parents were not able to teach them of. But the parent birds gave the fledglings the basic skills to survive in an uncertain world.

This applies also to us , mankind, who have children. When our children are young we tend to their every need because they are unable to care for themselves. We teach them as they grow and try to feed them the proper nourishments for their body. Also we are to teach them of God and God's Word, the Holy Bible. The Bible says to train a child in way you would have it to go.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

This is sound wisdom. If you want your children to grow up to serve the world you will teach it of the world and the devil and the worldly ways. But if you want your children to grow up in the Lord teach them of the Lord and His ways. We have the perfect guide book for this to teach from. That book is the Holy Bible. If you truly love your children you will teach them of the Lord and His Word.

We are to teach our children. They do learn by watching us, their parents. How do you want your children to live their life ? For God or for the devil ? Your children are watching you regardless of what you think, they see you as others do not for they are in your presence every day. Teach them the right way so they can know the Lord Jesus and be assured of a Home in Glory with Him.

There comes a time when we, just as the parent birds had to leave their fledglings, we too as parents have to release our children out into this world and into a life of their own. How are you preparing your child for eternal warfare ? How have you prepared your child to live in this sinful world ? Have you taught them of Jesus and His Love ? Have you taken the time to set a good example for your children to follow that will lead them on the right path ? Or have you lived a life that has taught them the road to destruction and hell ? Have you prepared your child for the battle for their soul ? If you love your children, truly love them, then you will prepare them for the most important battle that they will encounter each day of their lives. That battle is the battle for their eternal soul.

I encourage each parent that if they have not shared God with their children to please do so. It will be the best and most important lesson for you to share with your children. Your children will thank you when it is all said and done and the last trumpet sounds. With God in their lives they have an armor that others do not have, to fight against the devil and his regime. Those who are not with or for God are against Him. When it comes to the end we will all have to answer for how and what we chose to teach our children and how we lived our life before them.

If you want your child to learn of God then teach of Him. If you think you can't then take them to Church so they can learn of Him. There is no excuse for not teaching your children about the Lord. As the fledglings leave their parents side so to will our children leave our sides, in time, to pursue a life on their own. I intend to give my children what they need to help them fight against this world and to hold onto Jesus/God. I have taught my children of the Lord and I still am. One never quits learning in and of the Lord for He shows each of us, who are His children, new things each day. Please prepare your children for the time when they, like the fledgling, are ready to leave the nest and live on their own. Prepare them with, in and of the Lord.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tapestry of Life

Each one of us lives a life that is woven to become the tapestry that tells the story of our life. Others can look at the way we live, the way we do things, how we speak, the way we use our words, whether they be for good or wrongful use, the way we treat others in our life, and see some of the tapestry of our life. Our life's tapestry tells our story.

How do you want others to see the tapestry of your life ?

This is a question that I often ponder, because I try to live a life that is not false. I know that what truly matters is what God knows of us and what He sees in us and how He sees us. Nothing is hidden from Him. I try not to do anything that I know is wrong because I know that God is watching me in everything I do or say. Not only God is watching me but others as well. I have two children and several nieces and nephews, not to mention my extended family and friends that I want to be an example of the Lord to. I don't always set a good example but I try to. Sometimes I do fail at what I know needs to be done or I may say a wayward word or offend someone not intending to. I always pray that the Lord will forgive me for anything I may have said, thought or done that may have offended someone or caused another to stray. I am not perfect, far from it.

Everyday we each need to be aware of the people in our lives. Not only our family and friends but also anyone that we may come into contact with in the course of our day. We never know how what we do or what we say may affect someone else. We, as Christians , need to be ever mindful of this. We are supposed to be an example of Jesus Christ here on this earth. We are to try to do as He asks of us according to the guidelines He has set forth for us in the pages of His Holy Word, the Bible. As long as we try, God knows we are trying, to do the right thing, to live the right way. He knows if we truly want to serve Him and to help others come unto Him by spreading His Word to others. He knows of it all.

He knows when one is pretending and putting on a show in front of others to try to make a good impression. God knows of everyone who is false just as He knows of everyone who is true and trying to be true to Him. We need to stop and think about our motives in how we live our life. Are we living our life for the Lord or for self ? We need to examine our selves daily. It is easy to fall into the trap of serving self. But if one stops and examines their life, they can see how the story unfolds, how the picture is woven in the tapestry of their life.

Have you examined your tapestry of life lately ? It is how you have lived your life up until this very moment. More is waiting to be written into and woven upon your tapestry of life. How you live your life is what writes and weaves the tapestry of life. It reflects you, your story. It is a recorded history. Again the question, how do you want others to view your tapestry of life ?

Your children's teachers, the lady in the check out line at the store, the pharmacists, the mail clerk, the postal service deliverer, the delivery people, your housekeeper, your children, your family, your friends, your Pastor and Church family, the old man you passed by on the street, the neighbor who waved at you today, the child who smiled in innocence, the animal you saw as you drove by, all of these were and are watching you. So many more, as well, daily watch you whether you are aware of it or not. Examine your self and see if what you did in the course of your day could have reflected upon you negatively in the eyes of any of these.

I encourage you to examine your tapestry of life and see where it needs to be mended and minded. Each one of us have places within our tapestry of life that needs tending to. Thankfully the Lord Jesus has ways of making us aware of when and how we need to attend to things that are not as they should be within our tapestry of life. The Lord God is a wonderful mender. He is the Master Artist and is great when it comes to repairing the tapestry of our lives. He is the only One who can truly help us to mend and repair the wrong that has occurred in the writing and weaving of our tapestry of life.

Have you examined your tapestry of life ? How do you want others to view your tapestry of life ? Search out your tapestry and talk to the Lord , seek His face and forgiveness and He will mend your Tapestry of Life.