Saturday, September 20, 2008

Quiet Time

Today has been a very quiet day for the most part. My two children are visiting their Dad for the weekend and I am home alone. I say alone meaning by myself although my daughter called me this morning to check on me and my neighbors have called to talk also. It is nice to live in the country as I have some nice neighbors which I do say we all watch out for one another. This is good. It is a blessing from the Lord, for certain.

I did receive one call from a friend and neighbor, today, who asked me for some pictures. They had met someone and needed the pictures I had to see if the person they had recently met was the same person that I had the pictures of. I pray it is not but if it is God will take care of the situation in the long run. As God knows all things and it is best left in His hands as He can do more about the situation than I can. He is far more capable of handling it as I , in being human, tend to go off on my own directive, which is not always a good thing. This time I am leaving it in God's hands.

I will soon be getting some new neighbors. My friend and neighbor, Sid , died last year at the age of 86. He was a dear sweet older gentleman whom I had the pleasure of talking with often, about gardening and the Lord. He was always a gentleman, no wayward words from him in anyway. He tended to like women but with me he treated me as his daughter and friend. He did not treat me like others. He respected me and even asked me for advise which I found to be an honor as he did not ask the advice of ladies often. His other half Genie was a sweetheart. She was in her 70's and when Sid died she moved back to Michigan. She attended Church with me sometimes. Sid's children are down this weekend packing up Sid's place as it sold last week. I have been keeping an eye on the place, for them, since Sid's death last year. It was not hard to do but a blessing to do so for I reaped many benefits in the doing. His children allowed me to get the produce from the fruit trees and berry vines and bushes since I was watching the place plus the fresh asparagus.

I love asparagus. And asparagus is one of the things Sid and I talked about how best to grow them. He stopped by my garden one day about two months before he died and asked me the best way to make asparagus beds. I told him to make the bed base out of horse manure and layer the dirt over it then place the asparagus in before covering the asparagus over. Sid did this and his asparagus has produced so well. This spring and summer it bore so well I have an abundance of it that I froze. Sid did not get to enjoy his asparagus I realized but I got the benefit of it. I have been blest by Sid even after his death. I pray he has found peace with the Lord.

Back to his children. They called me today to let me know they were packing thins up. To let me know that the new family would be moving in. It seems it will be a large family. I am praying they are good neighbors. I have lived here for 35 years, since I was 10. yes I am 45 now. I was raised on the 600 acres around me that used to be my family farm, yet I only live on 1.15 acres of what used to be our farm. it is all that is still in our family as my Dad had to sell out when his health began to fail and my siblings went in the different directions of their own lives and families. I have such fond memories around here. I grew up here. Most of the area has not changed much in these 35 years since we first moved here. Except the selling of our farm and the moving away of my parents and siblings. I stayed.

I was blest by another neighbor two weekends ago when he and his wife came down to spend the weekend at their weekend place. I watch their place while they are gone. They live in another state and come to spend the weekends here but are in the process of moving here permanently. My friend and neighbor and his wife told me that if I ever moved from this place they would sell their place and move away as they enjoyed having me as a neighbor, they said to me you and your children are good people. I felt good about this but it is not me it is the Lord. I try to live my life for the Lord and do as He would have me to do. I try to treat others nicely and help out when I can if I am able. I am nothing without my God for I am only what He allows me to be. If I did not have the Lord in my life I would have nothing. It is not me it is the Lord that others see and know. I am but His humble servant. I am a willing vessel for Him to use to do His work with and through. I love my Lord and Saviour and no one nor no thing is worth losing Him over.

It has cost me people in my life, to stay true to the Lord. I am married but I do not a husband who stands beside me, I have not seen my husband in almost 3 years, God knows of it all and I rest assured in His knowing. The Lord did say that we would suffer persecutions, lose loved ones, and suffer when we chose to serve Him. But it is all worth it to be the Lord's. I would rather lose all of my worldly possessions, which aren't much, than to lose my God, the Lord Jesus Christ. For I know that the Lord is my all and that worldly goods, belongings,
possessions,whatever you want to give them the name of, can not compare to the Lord and what He has to offer each one of us.

Life is to be lived. But what is the quality of life if we spend it serving sin , the world and the devil ? It is nothing for in the next life when one is judged the reward one receives for the wages of sin is death, hell, the eternal lake of fire. Ask yourself is sin, love of the world,money and worldly things worth eternal damnation, eternal separation from the Lord ? For me it is not. I would rather have Jesus than anything or anyone this world could afford today. Jesus, I will choose the best which is Jesus.

I am not perfect. I am far from it. I falter and sometimes I fall. But the Lord is always right there waiting with open arms to lift me from the miry pit into which I fall. He helps me when I despair. It is His arms that hold me to His bosom when no other arms ever will. I rely upon my Lord for He is always with me, He will never leave me nor forsake me just as He will never leave nor forsake anyone. It is we , who walk away from Him, not He who walks away from us. We are the ones at fault. We turn our back on Him. He is just waiting for us to turn around and come home to Him.

I know where my home is. I look forward to going home one day. But while I am still on this earth I know that my Father has work for me to do. Work I shall, til He comes to take me home. I have my children to teach and I have His songs to sing, His praises to proclaim and His Love to share. His Word is within my heart and His name is upon my lips. His praises, His name is sweeter than honey, Jesus. Yahweh,Yeshuah, my Lord and Saviour, my God. In Him is my strength and my fortress, my shield and my buckler, my strong tower, a very present help in time of trouble, the Great I Am.

I am going to do something I have not done in quite some time. I am going to paint again. I am going to draw again and I am going to start doing the gifts the Lord has blest me with again. I have put of for too long the talents and gifts the Lord has blest me with and I must use those gifts, those talents for Him. I sing for Him,as always I have, in the churches He sends me to. I pray for those He sends for me to pray for, as this is the service He has called me to do directly is prayer and singing. But I must do more for my Lord for I have let my sorrow still hold me back. I must release the sorrow and get over my loss, God knows of the loss I speak of, for the Lord wants me. He has work for me to do and I must be about my Father's business.

How about you? Are you tending to the Father's business ? God is each one of our people's Father for He is God. Without Him we would not exist, we would not be. Tend to the Lord's business while yet you still can. Lay up your treasures in heaven for their your heart will be also. My treasure is in Heaven, it is the Lord. Where is your treasure ?

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