Sunday, September 7, 2008

Nuture and Admonition Of The Lord

Last night I went to a singing that was held at the elementary schools gymnasium where I attended elementary school. It was a Gospel singing as those are the only singing's I attend anymore. Just being in the school brought back memories. There were 4 groups of singers and a few individual/solo singers who sang also.

I went because my Brother, Jim, was singing with a group that I have known some of them since I was little.I wanted to listen to them and share in praising god through listening to them sing His praises, which I did. I grew up knowing them, except for 3 members of the group who are recent additions to the group, which I was introduced to them last night. The group is headed by my district Magistrate. I have known him since I was little. He used to work with my Dad when I was little. A dear Sister in Christ whom I love to sing and who is like a member of my own family, I grew up with her being around. This lady has been gifted with an awesome voice and she also plays the piano and keyboard. She sings beautifully. They were the last group to sing at this singing. I will share more about them in a bit.

One group consisted of 5 men who sang and played their instruments. They were truly gifted of the Lord. These guys were not afraid to show they loved the Lord. They praised Him in song , in word and in deed. You could tell that they loved the Lord. The one song they sang that has an awesome message in it is a song sung by Doyle Lawson, " Eternity Has Two ". The song says this life has many choices but eternity has two. That is so true. Eternity , the choices, Heaven or hell, Jesus or the devil. Which choice have you made in where to spend eternity ? Have you chosen Heaven ? Or have you chosen hell ? This is a question each person needs to ask them self. Where have you chosen to spend eternity ?

Think on this wise.... Do you have children ? How do you live your life before your children ? Whom have you taught your children to serve ? Have you taught them of Jesus ? Have you lived a life before / in front of your children to let them know the right way to live for God/Jesus ? Have you read the Bible to them ? Have you prayed in front of them and with them ? Do you answer your child's questions about the Lord with good godly answers and advice ? Have you made promises to God and broken those promises ? Have your children known you made promises to God and have your children seen you break those promises to God ?

What exactly are you teaching your children ? If you are not and have not taught them of the Lord and if you have not lived a life before them that is befitting of Christ, in a sense, you are teaching your children how choose hell over Heaven. You are teaching your children to serve the world, the devil and teaching them to reject the Lord. By not teaching them of the Lord and His ways you are teaching your child how to go to hell. Do you want your child to spend eternity in Hell and the lake of fire ? Do you want to spend eternity in hell and the lake of fire ? I don't want my children to. So I am teaching them of the Lord Jesus and His ways. I love my children, I care where their souls will spend eternity.

By teaching our children of the lord and living a life befitting of Christ we are establishing them on a firm foundation. We are setting their feet upon the right path, the path that leads to Jesus and Heaven. By not teaching our children of the Lord and his ways we are teaching our children to choose the world, the devil and hell. If you love your child you will care how they choose to live their life, be it for the Lord or for the devil. The Lord's way leads to Glory in Heaven, the devils way leads to hell, the lake of fire and eternal damnation. Remember that eternity has two choices. Which choice have you chosen, Heaven or Hell ? Which choice have you prepared your child to choose by the way you live your life before them, Heaven or Hell ?

The Bible, God's Word, tells us to raise a child up in the way we would have them to go. It also said to raise our children in nurture and admonition of the Lord. If we are not teaching our children of God then we are teaching our children of the devil and the world. If we are not teaching our children of the Lord , then we are failing God in what He asked of us, as parents, to do for our children, raise them up in nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:1-4
1) Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2) Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
3) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
4) And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Proverbs 22:6
6) Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

We are responsible for what we teach our children whether we realize it or not. We will have to be judged of the Lord Jesus for the way we chose to teach and raise our children. We are accountable for all the wrongfulness and sin we have taught them just as we are accountable for all we have taught them or allowed them to be taught by others. For we as parents have the right and the authority to teach our children and it is our God given duty to do so. So how have you taught you children to choose for their eternity ? Remember Eternity has two choices, Heaven or hell and the lake of fire. Which place have you instilled the knowledge of in your child, the Lord and Heaven or the devil and hell fire in the lake of fire for eternity ?

I enjoyed the singing we went to. I got to listen to these groups sing the Lord's praises and it blest me. I also got surprised because the group my brother has been playing with intended for me to sing a few songs, which I was not aware of until my Magistrate friend announced to the audience, which I was a member of the audience , that I was going to sing. He called me up on the stage and I sang to songs with my brother, I did harmony while he sang lead. Then the dears Sister in Christ, that I love to hear sing, requested that I sing lead while she harmonized with me on a song that is dear to my heart entitled, " Make It Home ". This song is dear to my heart as I want to make it home to Heaven to be with Jesus. I do not care about a mansion or even walking on streets of gold. What I am looking forward to seeing is Jesus. I am not worthy to look upon Him but I will lay at His feet and thank Him for all that He has done for me. My life is my Lord's, it is not my own. I gave my life up to Him, I gave my will over to Him, long ago and where He leads me I will follow. There is no one nor nothing in this world worth losing the Lord Jesus/Father God over. For if we lose the Lord we have lost our very soul. I shall serve the Lord in this life and in the next, in Glory.

Praise the Lord for He is awesome and Holy of Holies. He is the Great I Am and the Love of my life is the Lord. Thank You Jesus for all that you have and daily do for me and all the blessings and even the trials. For the trials and all are working me into whom You want me to be. As silver refined in the fire so one day Your reflection You will see in me. Take me and mode me into the vessel You would have me to be. Thank You Jesus in Your precious Holy name, the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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