Do you think that God does not know you are avoiding doing what you promised Him you would do ? Do you think God has forgotten about what you promised Him ? Do you think God allows you to change your promises to Him ? The Bible, God's Word says that a man is bound by the promises he makes until death. This means that if you make a promise then you are bound to keep that promise until you die. If you do not keep that promise then you are lost. Knowingly making a promise to God and then breaking that promise is knowingly committing sin and it will cost you in the end.
I know of a Preacher, who is a friend of mine. He promised God a long time ago that he would preach for the Lord. But before he got started preaching, even though he had promised God that he would preach for Him, he decided that he couldn't. That he was just not ready to keep his promise to God that he had made. My friend thought that he could run from doing what he promised God. He thought that he could do things his way. That he could do things when he was ready. It did not matter that God wanted him to keep his promise , he wanted to do things his own way and in his own time. But he found out the hard way that if you make a promise to God and you run from that commitment, God will set you down and chastise you in a way you don't want to be chastised in.
My friend thought he had got away from keeping his promise to God. Well my friend is married and has 3 daughters. His wife is a daughter of a Preacher. His wife knew what he had promised God and knew that he was running from God, even though he pretended he was not.
Well their oldest daughter got sick and had to be hospitalized. The doctors and the specialist discovered that she had a rare form of Meningitis . She was to the point of death. They said they had done all they could for the girl and that it was in God's hands now. My friend was driving to the hospital when God spoke to him. In his car driving down the freeway, God spoke to my friend.
God said to him," You are running from me. You did not do what you promised me you would do. And now where are you ? What is wrong with your child ? You promised to serve Me, to preach My Word, yet you did not do as you said you would. Where is your child, now ? She is in my hands. Her life is in my hands."
My friend had to stop and pull over to the side of the road. He cried out to God and repented of his sin against God of not keeping his promise. He said to God ,"I will preach for You, heal my daughter please. I will no longer run. I will do that which I promised, just save my daughter."
My friend got back on the road and continued to the hospital. His wife and the doctors, the specialists met him. It seemed his daughter had made a miraculous recovery and was no longer in danger. God had touched her and healed her. He rejoiced, he told his wife what had happened on his drive to the hospital. She wept tears of joy. Their daughter came home a few days later and my friend started preaching for the Lord God that next Sunday. He got a second chance to correct and follow through on what he promised God. But it took him almost losing his daughters life ,over not keeping his promise to God, before he opened his eyes up and stopped running from God.
Don't you be in the position that my friend was in. Don't put yourself in that place. My friend almost lost his daughter because he wanted to do things in his own way and in his own time. But God corrected him. Not everyone who goes against God gets a second chance. I encourage anyone who has promised God things, to keep those promises because if you don't you will lose your soul to hell. You may not get a second chance the way my friend did. That would be horrible if you made promises to God and did not keep them and ran from God and what you promised Him and never got another chance to atone for the wrong you did God.
Can you say that you have been true to God ? Can you truthfully, beyond the shadow of a doubt, say that you have been true to God and the promises you made Him ? If you can't then it is time to repent and do that which you promised God you would do. He is waiting with open arms to take you back in. Don't turn Him away ,you might lose something or someone you hold dear by not keeping the promises you made to God. God does not take promises made to Him lightly.
God never said it would be easy serving Him. In fact He told us we would suffer for Him. I worry for anyone who has made promises to God and decided not to keep those promises to Him. I would not want to be in that person's shoes come judgement day. Don't make promises to God unless you intend to keep them. Because if you don't keep them you will forfeit your soul to hell. If you keep them, then God will use you and bless you in your doing what you promised Him. You can't run from God. You can try but sooner or later God is going to set you down and you will be chastised by Almighty God.