Tuesday, October 6, 2009
True Love
Once upon a time you claimed you loved me,
You fled from the love I had to offer thee.
It now seems like eons ago,
That my love you rejected, I know.
A new Love has filled the place,
Where you declared your love would forever grace.
This new Love makes me whole,
I feel it to my very soul.
You left me broken and alone,
Bruised by your cast stones.
Words hastily said,
Once reverberated in my head.
Now no longer linger,
They have been lost as has your stinger.
Victory is in the Lord's Love,
It has descended from above.
No greater Love can be found,
As His Love always abounds.
Filled to the depths of Eternity,
By God's Love and His peaceful serenity.
God's Love is greater than any mortal man's,
God's Love is wielded by the Master's Hands.
Man's love is but fleeting,
God's Love, within His heart, is forever beating.
God's Love is endless,
His Love is forever and sinless.
His Love is so encompassing,
My Love, for Him, is forever amassing.
Across the vast deep tides of the sea,
My yearning shall forever be,
To know more of my Lord,
To learn to wield His sword,
Of truth, justice, light, and redemption.
To be forever free of your dementia.
Copyrighted October 06, 2009 Nancy J. Troini
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Gardening And Children
Gardening is similar to raising our children. Have you ever compared the two, gardening and raising children ? Recently I compared the two, gardening and raising children. It came to mind of how their are a lot of similarities in the two.
First, life comes from a fertile seed, that God has provided, in both the garden and in our children. If you think about it you will see the truth in this. Life of all kind comes from God and from God alone. A seed has to be fertile in order for it to grow. The seed is planted and starts to grow. Whether it is a child or a plant growing in one's garden, it needs nourishment and love to continue to grow. The babe in the womb gets it's nourishment from it's mother, while the seed in the garden gets it's nourishment from the ground, air, and rain. All, of this nourishment, is ultimately provided by God.
As the seed/babe grows the time comes for it to enter into the world. For the seed that is the breaking forth from the pod/kernel through the ground into the light of day. For the babe it is be birthed into the light of day from it's mother's womb. Neither of these would have been brought forth from their cocoon had it not been for the Lord Father God, the Creator of all life. So now we have new arrivals in the world, be it within our family or within the garden, so to speak.
These new ones need more nourishment, also they need love, and tender care in order to continue to grow as God designed them to grow. At this point, in the early development we, as man, can help determine which way our child/our garden will develop towards. This is where our influence starts to have a hand in things. We could cause a good outcome or we could cause a harmful outcome. Here is where we have to fully trust and rely upon God for all of us who are God's family of children.
If we are the Lord's we will tend to, care for, love, provide nourishment to and for, and educate ( for our children) that which God has entrusted into our care. Our children have been entrusted to us by the Lord just as our gardens have been entrusted to us by the Lord. When we choose to follow God/Jesus we will teach our children of the Lord, His Word, His Grace, His forgiveness. We will take them to Church with us, we will walk a good walk and example before them, as our children will pattern themselves after us, their parents. We teach our children what they know. Just as our garden that has been entrusted to us by the Lord. We are to tend it. Weed it, water it, fertilize it, harvest it, share it and prepare it for later use. If we are good stewards to and for the Lord we will honor that which He has entrusted into our care whether it be our children or our garden or whatever it is that God has entrusted to us.
Now on the other hand, if we do not serve God we serve self/the devil. When those who serve the devil(the world/self) raise their children they teach them of the world( the devil and his ways). The children are taught filth and immorality, depravity and so much lack of discipline. The children are lost, adrift on a sea of sin because the parents do not truly Love their children. They teach their child to serve self(the devil/the world). That is not true Love. For if you love your child you will teach them of the Lord for by not teaching your child of God you are condemning them to eternity in the Lake of Fire. You will be to blame for your child's sin as you did not care enough to tell them the truth of God/Jesus. The child will not prosper as you, the parent, have seen fit to condemn it from the beginning by not supplying it with the proper nourishment and love that it needed to grow as God intended for it to grow.
The same comparison, children and the garden. If you do not tend to, nourish and love your garden, weeds will choke out the plants. The plants will become twisted and distorted as they try to seek for what they need, but it is just beyond their grasp because no one cared enough to tend to them or help them get what they needed in order to thrive, survive and become productive. The garden was not loved. It was not truly cared for. It was within the caretakers grasp and responsibility to provide it with the proper nourishment and all it needed to survive, yet the caretaker chose to not provide the proper tools, nourishment, love, and care to allow it to thrive, survive and be productive.
This is what happens, all too often, in life. God entrusts children to parents. the parents do not truly Love their children as the results give testament of the parents. The Bible tells us to raise up a child in the way we would have them to go. Do you want your child to go to Heaven or to Hell ? Think about that question wisely. God has given us the means to teach our children of Him and the right/good way of living for us and them to be productive, caring, loving people. The way you treat your spouse is teaching your child how to treat their future spouse. The way you treat anyone is how you are teaching your child to treat others. The way you live your life, be it for the Lord, attending Church, Bible study, daily prayer, doing service for and to the Lord, living your life for the Lord and not for self , or be it for the devil(the world) drinking, viewing pornography, using fowl/offensive language, lying, fornication, adultery, living a life of sin and damnation, is exactly what you are teaching your children and telling them it is okay to live their life in that manner. If you truly love your child you will care about it's soul and whether it will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, in eternal torment and damnation, or in Glory/Heaven with Jesus Christ.
As the garden prospers with love, proper nutrition, and proper care, so too do our children with the same good provisions prosper. But a garden left untended or ill cared and provided for, so goes the children who lack the proper nourishment, love, care, attention and teachings of the Lord. Take the time to share God/Jesus with your children/child and let them know that you truly love and care for them. Help them to flourish and grow to become prosperous in the Lord. Without God/Jesus in our lives we are all lost and eternally doomed to eternal torment and suffering. Thankfully God/Jesus is the only way. Accept Him into your life and teach of Him to your children. Show your children what true Love is. Show them Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 22:6 6)Train up |
Ephesians 6:1-4 1) |
2) |
3 ) |
4) |
Friday, May 15, 2009
Trusting In God Completely
There are times in this life when our trust in God is put to the test. I know that I must trust in God completely, no matter what comes my way, for life gives us unexpected events everyday. I had a very surprising thing happen to me today that I never saw coming. I know that only God can and will get me through this. I know that God has better things planned for me because He tells us so in His Word, the Holy Bible.
I must say that I am not prepared for what happened in any way, shape or form, but I know that God will provide as He always has. When we encounter something that we never saw coming it kind of blindsides us. Next time I will have to learn and be prepared. Hopefully though there will not be a next time. Either way I will be prepared for the what ifs that tend to crop up along the way in my day to day life. There is always something that comes along that we need to tend to such as a vehicle breaking down, losing one's job, a hospitalization, an emergency, an accident or so many other problems or events that can come up without a moments notice that can cause a crisis within one's life if they are not prepared. I am not prepared but I know that God will see the children and I through this as He always has.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
God Is God
I haven't posted on my blog in quite some time. It has been rather hectic with everything that has gone on in the past few months since my last post. God has been watching over us, this I know for a certainty.
First off I want to thank all my friends, family ( both in blood and in the Lord), and all who have kept us in their prayers and who have helped the children and I in our time of trials and needs. God does hear and answer prayer. This is a fact.
Much has transpired since my last blog post. In late January through the first few weeks of February we had a violent ice storm that passed through our area. This caused much damage to trees, electric lines, phone lines and all utilities in a widespread area. We were without electric and heat in our home for 2 weeks and without phone service for closer to three weeks. A lot of damage was done to the land and trees but God protected everyone.
In the early morning hours, still darkness, of January 27, 2009 our electric and heat went out due to the ice build up on the trees and lines going down. The children both piled into bed with me where we stayed and prayed until daylight. You could hear the creaking of the tree branches when the wind blew as they were laden with ice. The branches were scraping against our trailer and also draping the ground due to the weight of the ice upon them. It was eerie sounding. Zak was scared as was Elizabeth. So I told them we needed to pray. We prayed aloud and called upon the Lord to watch over us and keep us safe as well as our family members throughout the storm area, friends, and all who were affected by the ice storm.
We have huge old Oak trees all around our trailer. Mighty Oaks as the bible calls them. One of these Oak trees the children and I dedicated to God years ago. We call it " God's Tree". It is His. The weight of the ice, as I said earlier, was causing the trees to creak eerily. A lot of branches were breaking and falling. I kept praying that the Lord would keep any branches or trees from falling on our trailer. Eventually we did fall into a deep sleep until morning. When I got up I looked out and saw our two huge White Pine trees had been brought down by the ice storm. At first I said ," Oh No!" But I stopped and I said," Thank You Lord for not letting those trees fall on us." By all rights and means they should have fallen on the trailer but God heard and answered our prayers and He caused them to fall away from our trailer. God did what we prayed to him for.
I got dressed and went outside. It was beautiful yet it was dangerous out. I could hear trees breaking in the woods all around us, one after another. It sounded like guns and cannons going off. As I watched our Oak trees sway and creak with each breeze I raised my hands to the Lord and first I praised Him for keeping us safe and then I asked Him to continue to protect us and all those who were in the path of this storm. I did not care if someone drove by and saw me as I intended to do what I was doing and that was pray to God aloud, with my hands raised to Him. I knew that prayer and thankfulness was what was needed. I knew that God had kept us safe.
Later that day Elizabeth and I went out to feed the animals and to water them. They were all okay. God had protected them and kept them safe. I knew He would though. He cares for all His creatures. When we went down to feed our rooster, Daffodil, I realized again and was awed by how God had protected us. Laying across the back end of the chicken pen was a huge branch off one of our Oak trees. I looked up and just said , " Thank You Jesus." That Oak tree branch was from the Oak tree that was directly over my bedroom. It is where Zak, Elizabeth and I were sleeping in the morning hours and praying. That branch, had it hit the trailer, would have came through the roof and hurt us. But God had tossed it over 4o feet away from our trailer, down towards the back end of the chicken pen. Only God's hand could have done this. He saved our lives. He protected us. He stood guard over us, throughout, while we slept and trusted in Him. When Elizabeth and Zak saw this, their faith in God was increased. The Lord watched over us. That is Love.
Our neighbors came by to check on us as we could not get out due to trees down on the road. One neighbor brought us an old kerosene heater that we ran for a few hours until it ran out of kerosene. Another neighbor brought in sleeping bags for us. he came through the field on his tractor. Another day he came in and removed trees from the road but two trees he could not get off. One day the children's Dad, George,showed up at the trailer. He had parked his vehicle and walked in on foot. The children went back out with him to his vehicle at the end of the road.I packed my SUV and drove through the field in the tire tracks of my neighbors tractor and went to my cousins, who had a wood burning stove. George followed me and brought the children up. then he left and went back to Bowling Green to his home. He was worried enough about us that he came in to get us out to warmth. The children and I stayed at my cousin, Mary Helen's, for two nights and went to church with her that Sunday. Her church found out we did not have heat at home and they gave us a new kerosene heater. So we went home that night.
We stayed home until my birthday of February 4th. Then we went to my parents as it was supposed to get below zero, which it did. We stayed with my family until we came home on Saturday morning. We found out that the water pipes had thawed and had broken. We had close to an inch of water standing in the house and about 4 inches of water in the vents. I threw the main breaker , even though we did not have electric back yet. Reason being I did not want it to come back on while we were getting the water out of the house. That would have been bad. I called the insurance company to get them to send out an adjuster. He came on Valentines Day to assess the damage. I am now waiting for the check to be sent back from the mortgage company so we can get the floors redid. It was a mess in here but we are alive and much is to be praised for to the Lord. Even though we had a lot of damage I have not and will not let it bother me as God Loves us and He protected us with a mighty hand. That is awesome.
One of my friends said it best when she heard what all had happened. She said to me," Nancy all this that you have gone through yet you still have a smile on your face and you praise God." I was like," Yes. He protected us. It doesn't matter about things, for that is exactly what they are " things". God protected us, we are alive. I have much to praise Him for and smile about."
It does no good to let things bother you. When we let things bother us, get us down, we are not able to serve God as He wants us to. Why let some stand in the way of my serving God. I want to be able to serve God in the best way I can and if I am down in the dumps, I sure can not serve God the way I should be. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. God protected me and so many others, so yes, I have much to smile about. Thank You, Jesus.
Something like this ice storm and the way God protected so many people, lets one know how powerful God is. When God sets an appointment it will get people's attention. God says ," Hey I am the One in control. Your little things are going to stop. Stand still and know that I Am God."
People, God is in control. He is the One Who is in control. Not you, not me, nor anyone else. Only God is truly in control. If you don't believe that, one day God will show you in a way that you can not ignore it. Will you be prepared when that time comes ?
God is awesome. He is top be praised. he is in control and god is all powerful and Almighty. He is the great I Am, Alpha and Omega, the author and the finisher of our faith. God is God and He does not change. Hear what I say, God does not change. He is the same, today, yesterday and tomorrow and always. I rejoice in Him and praise His Holy Name, the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I have much to be thankful for. I am alive. I have breath to breathe. My children are alive. We are the Lord's, bought and paid for by His precious blood. My life is not my own, it is God's. My children's lives are not their own. hey belong to God, dedicated from the moment of birth to be His and to be raised for Him and to His service. God is Love and God is my life. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Blessed New Year
So here it is, the New Year of 2009. Last night the children and I attended , what we call here in Kentucky, a Watch Night Service. It is seeing the old year out and the new year in by fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Church house. We had an enjoyable time in the Lord. There were three groups that sang and we had dinner during break time and fellowship. It was a good time in the Lord for all who attended.
" The Quisenberry Family" was there to sing. This is a family of brothers,sisters,cousins, nieces and nephews that sing together as a Gospel group. They sound so beautiful together and they sing acappella( without instrumental music). They have the natural harmony of a family of singers that only comes from being a family. I enjoy listening to them sing and tell them how much I enjoy their singing and I encourage them to always continue to sing for the Lord. They invited me to sing at their Church in mid-January. I told them I would be there.
"Jesus First" also sang at the Watch Night Service. I love to hear them sing. Sister Ann, bless her heart, had some recent hard decisions to make that cost her to severe some ties with some of her family members. God told us that if we serve Him in the way He wants us to serve him then we would lose family members, friends, spouses and even be persecuted for serving Him. It is all worth it. Sister Ann and I talked concerning this. She is an inspiration to me and we both know that if something is not of the Lord and goes against the Lord then we are to have no part with or of it. Sometimes this means stepping across and losing family members or loved ones. But as long as one stays true to Jesus Christ, the lord god then it is all worth it. Brother Bernard, Sister Ann's husband, asked me if my brother and I would start singing with them when they went to singings. I told him I would ask my brother to see what the Lord leads him to do. He is already in one group and several other groups have asked us to join them but so far the Lord is leading each of us in different directions. We will have to pray and do as the Lord God directs us to do. Follow His lead and not that of our own. God is good.
Our little country church house was filled to capacity last night for Watch Night Service. I am ever so thankful that so many people came out to fellowship in the Lord with us. This is a true blessing from God above to know that these people love the Lord. They would rather be int he Lord's house, worshipping and fellowshipping with the Lord and his children than to be out in the world with the devil and his ways. God's children know how to have a good time in the Lord. There is nothing better than fellowshipping in the Lord together, singing His praises, praising him, praying to Him as one voice lifted to Heaven and being in the Lord's presence. God is awesome. I thank God for all He has done for each of us and know that as long as we continue to serve Him He will greatly bless us.
God will use us, His children, in His service if we make ourselves useful to Him. If we have a will to be used for the Lord, He will use us. It is far better to reap the harvest that God has for us by being His than it is to reap the reward that the devil has for those who serve him. The reward from God is eternal life in glory with Him, in peace, Love, harmony and worshipful praise and service of and to Him. The rewards for serving the devil are eternal life and everlasting torment in the lake of fire. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Each one of us has to choose whether to live our life for the Lord or for satan/the devil. I choose the Lord. God gave His all for each one of us. The devil would not die for our sins as Jesus did. No greater Love is there in this world than to give one's life for their brother. Jesus died for our sins, the redemption for us, the ultimate and supreme sacrifice. No one else could do this but Jesus for He was and is God in the flesh. He conquered death, hell and the grave.
How many of you are willing to stay true to God, even unto death ? If you are asked today,this very moment to deny Christ to save your life or the lives of your children and family, would you deny Christ ? Or would you be true unto death to the Lord ? The Lord stayed true to us. Are you willing to do for the Lord what He did for you ? If one can not give their all for God then we are failing Him. In this New Year of 2009 why not make the commitment to give your life over to the Lord. Ask Jesus' forgiveness for your sins, repent,and be born again in Him. Stay with the Lord, be true to Him and turn from your sin and do not go back unto your sin. Do not become as the dog who returns to his vomit or as the swine who returns to the wallow. Stay clean with Jesus. Stay pure for the Lord. With God all things are possible, know this for a certainty. The Lord God/Jesus gave us the guidelines within the pages of His Word, the Holy Bible in how we are to live. Follow His guidelines and you will not be led astray. Follow His guidelines and you will make it to glory someday.
May this year of2009 be the time you find the Lord and stay true to Him. May the Lord richly bless you in this New Year and always. Blessed New Year.
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