Friday, May 15, 2009

Trusting In God Completely

There are times in this life when our trust in God is put to the test. I know that I must trust in God completely, no matter what comes my way, for life gives us unexpected events everyday. I had a very surprising thing happen to me today that I never saw coming. I know that only God can and will get me through this. I know that God has better things planned for me because He tells us so in His Word, the Holy Bible.

I must say that I am not prepared for what happened in any way, shape or form, but I know that God will provide as He always has. When we encounter something that we never saw coming it kind of blindsides us. Next time I will have to learn and be prepared. Hopefully though there will not be a next time. Either way I will be prepared for the what ifs that tend to crop up along the way in my day to day life. There is always something that comes along that we need to tend to such as a vehicle breaking down, losing one's job, a hospitalization, an emergency, an accident or so many other problems or events that can come up without a moments notice that can cause a crisis within one's life if they are not prepared. I am not prepared but I know that God will see the children and I through this as He always has.

Please keep us in your prayers.

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