Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blessed New Year

So here it is, the New Year of 2009. Last night the children and I attended , what we call here in Kentucky, a Watch Night Service. It is seeing the old year out and the new year in by fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Church house. We had an enjoyable time in the Lord. There were three groups that sang and we had dinner during break time and fellowship. It was a good time in the Lord for all who attended.

" The Quisenberry Family" was there to sing. This is a family of brothers,sisters,cousins, nieces and nephews that sing together as a Gospel group. They sound so beautiful together and they sing acappella( without instrumental music). They have the natural harmony of a family of singers that only comes from being a family. I enjoy listening to them sing and tell them how much I enjoy their singing and I encourage them to always continue to sing for the Lord. They invited me to sing at their Church in mid-January. I told them I would be there.

"Jesus First" also sang at the Watch Night Service. I love to hear them sing. Sister Ann, bless her heart, had some recent hard decisions to make that cost her to severe some ties with some of her family members. God told us that if we serve Him in the way He wants us to serve him then we would lose family members, friends, spouses and even be persecuted for serving Him. It is all worth it. Sister Ann and I talked concerning this. She is an inspiration to me and we both know that if something is not of the Lord and goes against the Lord then we are to have no part with or of it. Sometimes this means stepping across and losing family members or loved ones. But as long as one stays true to Jesus Christ, the lord god then it is all worth it. Brother Bernard, Sister Ann's husband, asked me if my brother and I would start singing with them when they went to singings. I told him I would ask my brother to see what the Lord leads him to do. He is already in one group and several other groups have asked us to join them but so far the Lord is leading each of us in different directions. We will have to pray and do as the Lord God directs us to do. Follow His lead and not that of our own. God is good.

Our little country church house was filled to capacity last night for Watch Night Service. I am ever so thankful that so many people came out to fellowship in the Lord with us. This is a true blessing from God above to know that these people love the Lord. They would rather be int he Lord's house, worshipping and fellowshipping with the Lord and his children than to be out in the world with the devil and his ways. God's children know how to have a good time in the Lord. There is nothing better than fellowshipping in the Lord together, singing His praises, praising him, praying to Him as one voice lifted to Heaven and being in the Lord's presence. God is awesome. I thank God for all He has done for each of us and know that as long as we continue to serve Him He will greatly bless us.

God will use us, His children, in His service if we make ourselves useful to Him. If we have a will to be used for the Lord, He will use us. It is far better to reap the harvest that God has for us by being His than it is to reap the reward that the devil has for those who serve him. The reward from God is eternal life in glory with Him, in peace, Love, harmony and worshipful praise and service of and to Him. The rewards for serving the devil are eternal life and everlasting torment in the lake of fire. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Each one of us has to choose whether to live our life for the Lord or for satan/the devil. I choose the Lord. God gave His all for each one of us. The devil would not die for our sins as Jesus did. No greater Love is there in this world than to give one's life for their brother. Jesus died for our sins, the redemption for us, the ultimate and supreme sacrifice. No one else could do this but Jesus for He was and is God in the flesh. He conquered death, hell and the grave.

How many of you are willing to stay true to God, even unto death ? If you are asked today,this very moment to deny Christ to save your life or the lives of your children and family, would you deny Christ ? Or would you be true unto death to the Lord ? The Lord stayed true to us. Are you willing to do for the Lord what He did for you ? If one can not give their all for God then we are failing Him. In this New Year of 2009 why not make the commitment to give your life over to the Lord. Ask Jesus' forgiveness for your sins, repent,and be born again in Him. Stay with the Lord, be true to Him and turn from your sin and do not go back unto your sin. Do not become as the dog who returns to his vomit or as the swine who returns to the wallow. Stay clean with Jesus. Stay pure for the Lord. With God all things are possible, know this for a certainty. The Lord God/Jesus gave us the guidelines within the pages of His Word, the Holy Bible in how we are to live. Follow His guidelines and you will not be led astray. Follow His guidelines and you will make it to glory someday.

May this year of2009 be the time you find the Lord and stay true to Him. May the Lord richly bless you in this New Year and always. Blessed New Year.

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