Thursday, February 22, 2007


The day is done , the sunset has begun. Sunset is an awesome time of day. A time to reflect upon the relevance of your day.

How did you spend it ? What difference did you make in your life or in someone elses life today ? How did you make a difference ? Did you use today as wisely as you should have ? Or did you waste the precious gift of time by merely existing in a world that you created of your own, alone ?

Did you say a kind word to your neighbor today ? Did you spend some time with your children ? Did you tell them you love them ? What about your spouse, your boyfriend or girlfriend ? How did you share something special with any of them in this day. It doesn't take but a few moments to let someone know how much you love and appreciate them and what they do. Tell them how much they mean to you. Take the time to stop and truly appreciate each person in your life for who they are and for the light they bring into your life each day.

When you stood in line at the grocery store did you complain about having to wait ? Or did you take the time that you were waiting and speak to the person in line next to you ? Did you smile at that person or make eye contact with them ? When you went for lucnh did you complain about having to stand in line and wait ? Or did you take the time you were waiting in, to make plans for later in the day? While waiting in line instead of just standing there fuming because you have to wait, take that time and make it productive. Talk to the person next to you. They might be having a really hard day but something you say or a smile you may give them just might brighten their way. You never know how a kind word or a smile will affect someone. Your smile or kind word just might be the only smile or kind word that this person may get through out the whole day. And if they think back upon your smile or your words and it helps them through their day, then you have done okay. You have helped someone else to know that out in this world there is someone who cares.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the effects that a smile or kind word has upon another person. Tell your child you are proud of it when you get home. Give your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend a compliment. Thank your mom and dad for the sacrifices they have and are making on your behalf each day. Don't take those you love for granted. Let them know you appreciate what they have and what they are doing for you. Pick a flower and marvel at the beauty in it, the colors , the way it is made. Take time for yourself and for others. The rewards you get in return are worth it.

God made a beautiful world in so many ways.Share the world that God has made with those you love and those you come in to contact with each day. You never know until you try. If you never try you will never know. Share with others and they will share with you.

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