It is a beautiful day here in Kentucky. Autumn has kicked in. The air has a hint of crispness that can only be felt in Autumn. There is a difference in the crispness of the air at different seasons of the year. If you have not noticed this take the time, during each season, to note the difference in the type of feeling that the crispness of the air holds. It feels different. You can sense it in a physical way, in a mental way, in an emotional way, and in a spiritual way.You will find it if you truly seek it.
In the Autumn things look differently as well. You can see the change outwardly, in the leaves colors changing, just as you can feel it inwardly in your self, in the way air quality changes and in the feelings it evokes. You can see it in the fruit and produce that is borne in the Autumn season, the crisp apples, the pumpkins, the persimmons, the turnips, and so on. They have arrived at the point of their ripeness. They are ready to be harvested. The taste of a crisp apple, as it is freshly picked from the tree, is an experience that everyone should be able to enjoy.
Growing up we had an orchard on on family owned and operated farm. I always looked forward to harvesting the apples because I knew all the promise that was held within that apple. It could become so many things. It could be so good, if it was in the hands of the right person. Or it could be quite unpleasant, if in the hands of the wrong person.
This is also so in our own daily lives. We can be of so much good or we can be quite unpleasant. It depends on whom we serve in this world. If we are the Lord's we will seek to do good and to help others enjoy the goodness of the Lord. If we are the devils then we will try to sway others to the devils ways. It is that simple. Where your heart lies so to does your allegiance.
You can compare the Autumn to people. Just as you can see the outward change in the Autumn season, so too you can see the change in a person when they become the Lord's child. You can see it in their outward countenance. You can see it within their inner being as well. They change. Just as the leaves change their hues of color, a person who has accepted the Lord into their lives also undergoes a transformation. With God/Jesus/Father Creator, the person has become new. The old has passed away. The old self is shed just as the leaves are shed from the trees in the Autumn, if one has truly been forgiven by the Lord.
You experience a soul deep joy like none you have ever felt before. Once you have tasted of it, truly tasted of it, you will want none else. None else can compare to it as it reaches places one never has been touched in before, the depths of your soul. You make a soul connection with God/Jesus/Father Creator. What He has to offer you is eternal life with Him.
It is well worth all you have to go through in your daily life, the trials , the testings, the heartache, the loss, the pain, the persecutions, the bullying, the attacks, the tribulations. Whatever you have to got through stay true to God/Jesus/Father Creator. If you stay true to Him, one day soon, all these trails and more will be wiped away from your memory. You will remember no more of this earth or life upon it. You will become new, once again, in Him. He will take you home for eternity, never to be separated again from Him. You will have no more pain, no more heartache, no suffering. The morning of your joy will have come.
Now, if on the other hand, you choose to deny the Lord and serve the devil you can also see a transformation. The transformation shows both in your inward and outer countenance. Your soul lives in darkness and cannot be satisfied. It continually hungers, seeking to be sated, but it is never truly satisfied. It thirsts for something you cannot find the answer to with the devil.
The Lord is watching and waiting for you. He will forgive you and help you if you ask. You have to seek Him. If you truly want Him, if you truly seek Him, His forgiveness, He will freely give it. His arms are open wide. He is what you have been searching for. He is the only One, the only Thing, that can truly fill the abyss, the void within your soul and heart. He can give you what you have been searching for, because it is He for whom you have searched. He is the only One who can wipe you clean and make you new. His Word is Truth. He is Life.
Turn to God/Jesus/Father Creator. Ask His forgiveness, accept it. Turn away from your sin and the wiles of the devil. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. You have the power within you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to resist the devil, if you are truly the Lord's child.
When I think of what it means to be the Lord's child or to serve the devil, for me it is not a hard decision to make. On one hand you have the Lord Jesus Christ/God/Father Creator, on the other their is the devil. On one hand you have heaven, on the other you have hell. On one hand you have eternal joy,on the other hand you have eternal pain and suffering. My choice is to serve the Lord throughout eternity as I do not want to be eternally separated from God/Jesus/Father Creator. Each one of us has to make that choice, daily. Where will you spend eternity? Will it be with the Lord serving Him in glory, or will it be in the great lake of fire, eternally suffering and eternally separated from God? The choice is yours and yours alone to make. Choose wisely because your soul depends upon it.
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