Sunday, June 6, 2010

Getting Too Comfortable

It has been a beautiful day today. The Lord blest us with a wonderful service this morning. The Church I attend is starting a Revival tomorrow night and the kiddo's and I are so looking forward to this. The whole Church is excited. We have been praying for a Revival for quite some time and the service this morning just let us know that it is time to start a revival in the community. I am praying for people to attend so the Word of the Lord can go out to them and bring them in to repentance and to renew and refresh/revive those that need it. God is awesome.

I went on a cleaning frenzy yesterday. I know the kiddo's will be surprised when they get back from the visit they had with their Dad this weekend. They told me I needed to rest and take a break while they were gone but I got more hyper than usual and one thing led to another. The good thing is that the house is nice and clean.

It was one of those times when you see your home as someone else would see it. We live in our home everyday so we get comfortable with how it becomes over time, the clutter, the dust, and so on. Sometimes it is a good thing to stop, step back and take a look at it, to see it with new eyes, and see what needs to be done to improve it.

This is sort of like our walk with God. Sometimes we need to stop and examine our self and see just where we are lacking in serving the Lord. Sometimes we get too comfortable in where we are, so we don't try to do anymore than we are already doing for the Lord. That is a fault within us. The Lord gave His all for us, so we should give our all for the Lord. If God calls us to do something in His service then we should do it, even if it brings us out of our comfort zone. We may not always want to do what the Lord leads us to do but we should, for a certainty, do what He is bidding us to do. We are in His service. We are His children. He will not ask more of us than we can do. If He leads us to it, He will provide the means to get us through it.

I thank God for being. Every breath that we breathe we should be praising the Lord for it. For it is He Who gives us the breath we breathe. If it were not for Him we would be nothing and we would have no hope. But with, in, through, and of Him we have hope. That hope is Jesus Christ. I thank God for all. God is awesome!!!

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