Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Errands And Planting

Yesterday the children and I went to town as we had some errands to run. We stopped at Tractor Supply to pick up chicken feed and bedding for them as well as grit. Chicks, especially, need grit to aid in the digestion of their feed. Birds have a gizzard that their food is ground in by the contracting of this strong muscular type apparatus. But in order to properly grind the feed they need to eat grit, which is either ground shell or ground granite. I feed the ground granite to aid in their digestion as they need it. If they do not get the proper amount of grit in their gizzard the feed can become balled in it and cause death in a bird. All birds need some form of grit, especially those you raise on a farm if they are kept in a pen and not allowed to run free range. Where we are we can not let our chickens run due to predators. We have cats which will get the chickens as well as our dogs like to chaise them. There are coyotes, bob cats and cougars here also. The occasional wolf wonders up from the Land Between The Lakes area sometimes, to where we live. We used to have black bears around here but have not seen one in the past few years. Maybe they have moved on. But we have to keep our chickens safe due to these predators, and in order to do so we have to keep them in a pen that the children and I built for them.

While in town Zak bought some Pansies and Violas. He saves up his money to buy vegetables and flower seeds and plants. That is what he enjoys doing. I am thankful that he spends his money on things that will pay for them self in the long run. When we got home we planted the Pansies and Violas. The yard is starting to look pretty with all the flowers that have come up recently and that we have planted. They are blooming and budding. Soon it will be time to mow the lawn. The Lord has truly blest us with so many things to enjoy and partake of.

Zak and I walk around our small property each day to see what new things are growing and blooming. It is so nice to watch things come back to life, life renewed, after the winter slumber it is awakening from. Elizabeth's " Oriental Garden " is starting to take shape. The Forsythia is blooming and the Snow Drop Lilies are coming up. The Pampas Grass is growing well. The Stargazer Lily is not coming up yet and I am worried about it as one of our cats broke it off last year and it may have caused the Lily to die out. I hope not as Zak is the one who gave it to his sister as a gift. But all things happen for a reason. God is in control.

I have to share something with you that happened last year in the garden. I had planted some pumpkin seeds for Zak as he was wanting me to grow some pumpkins for him. The seeds sprouted and grew. All but one plant eventually died out but this one plant had one pumpkin on it. One day as I was hoeing and weeding the garden I accidentally chopped off the root of the pumpkin vine. I told Zak and apologized. He came out to the garden to see the damage that I had done. The vine was cut clean through with no root on it. I dug a hole and stuck the cut vine end into the ground. Then Zak and I prayed together over the pumpkin and asked the Lord for it to grow roots and prosper for Zak and to let it be done to increase Zak's faith in the Lord. Well guess what? That pumpkin grew into a nice sized pumpkin. It weighed about 20 pounds. When we harvested it I pulled up the vine. The cut end did not have any roots on it. What had grown roots was the vine itself up closer to the pumpkin. There were also roots running on the ground under the pumpkin itself that had ran from the vine that the pumpkin was growing on. The Lord heard and answered our prayer. Zak's faith was increased.

I knew that the Lord would answer our prayer for I have been witness to a lot of answered prayer in the course of my 47 years. I myself am a prayer that was answered, several times over. I would not be alive today if the Lord had not heard and answered the prayers of all the people who daily pray for me. I thank God for loving us so much that he cares for us in all the ways He does. I thank God for hearing and answering prayers. I recall the verses in the Bible, God's Holy Word, about having faith as the grain of a mustard seed. The things one could do if they but had faith the grain of a mustard seed. It just shows that we do not have very much faith. We all need more faith in the Lord. All things are possible with, in and of God. I am thankful that my children daily have their faith increased in Him. Faith, something we all need more of.

Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I sayunto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Luke 17:6
the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.


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