Monday, October 22, 2007


It is a good feeling, peace is. Do you have that wonderful feeling of peace of knowing God and knowing that all is well with your soul ? Do you have the peace of God within your heart ? If you do not, then you are missing out on the most awesome feeling there is. The Love, peace and joy of the Lord dwelling within one's heart and soul is the most wonderful feeling one will ever know in their entire life. There is nothing that can compare to the peace and Love of God dwelling within your heart and soul.

It is something that is far above anything this old world has to offer. This world can not give you what God can. Nothing that this world or the devil has to offer can compare to the wonderful feeling of peace and love from God. It is something to rejoice about and to share with others when you have obtained that feeling of peace from God within you. Everyone should want this peace from, and of, God dwelling within them.

It is something God gives you if you truly want it and seek after it. It is awesome and it is only given by and through Jesus/God. It can not be bought with money or with worldly goods. It was bought and paid for with the highest price and most precious price ever paid and that is the Blood of Jesus Christ !!! It is the most wonderful gift and blessing one will ever receive. My heart and my soul rejoice with this peace. I know that no matter what lies ahead of me in the path I trod, that God/Jesus is right here with me seeing me through it all. I have His promise and His reassurance in this. To me that makes it so much dearer is that God/ Jesus is true to His Word. He is true to His promises and when He says it will be, it shall be so. And I praise God for His Word. I praise God for His great Sacrifice at Calvary. I praise God for saving my soul. Our God is awesome.

Do you feel the peace of God in your heart and soul ? If you can't please seek Him , His forgiveness, and you can feel His peace within you. Sometimes we get down in the valley but do you know that even in the valley God will give you His peace if you truly seek it. His peace passeth all understanding. Philippians 4:7 tells us of this, and His peace will keep us if we truly have His peace dwelling within us.
Philippians 4:7
7) And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding , shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I have this peace. It came over me the other day, after I gave something over to God, and realized it was something God had been wanting me to do for a long time. I had kept this burden within me, my heart, my soul and I did not give it completely to God as I should have. But when I gave it over completely to God , His peace filled my heart and soul. No matter what happens , no matter what I am faced with I know that God will see me through it. He is with me just as He is with each of His children. He is standing there waiting for us to learn this lesson.

How many times have you been in a situation that you just couldn't let it go, you had to make the other person see your way, make them know how you felt or how what they had done to you made you feel ? That was wrong. I have done this myself. I am guilty of this myself. I finally realized that this is wrong of me and any of us to do. Yes, tell someone how you feel, share with them your feelings but then let it go. Give it to God. Don't keep harping on the situation because it will make things worse. Speak your piece and then let it go.

If you have God/Jesus in your life you can make it through anything. You can lose your home and everything you own and you will still be okay and you will bounce back as long as you have Jesus/God as your Lord and Saviour. But if you don't have God/ Jesus in your life then you don't have anything. You can have all the riches of this old world and of the devil but if you don't have God/Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you don't truly have anything. Because without God in your life you are lost and doomed to eternal damnation and torment in the Lake of Fire. With God/Jesus in your life and with Him as your Saviour and Lord you have all that truly matters.
When His peace and love fill your heart and soul you will know this to be true. For without Him you have nothing but with Him you have everything.

Yes trials will come, temptation will come, testing will come. But with God and Jesus in your life you will make it through all of these and come through it a better person if you learn the lessons that God is teaching you. God wants to fill you with His peace and Love. It is a precious gift from Him that He wants to bless each of His children with. Please reach out to Him today and seek His forgiveness and ask Him into your life as your Saviour and Lord. Learn the lessons He is teaching you and come through it all holding on to His unchanging hand and you will come out with His peace and Love instilled in your heart and soul. Believe me it is well worth it. For what God/Jesus has to offer you is far better and far out weighs the wages of sin( which is death and the eternal torment of the lake of fire). God/ Jesus offer eternal life in Glory with Him in peace, Love , joy, eternal worship and service to God Almighty, the great I Am.

Let the peace of God enter in to your heart by accepting Him into your life and living your life for Him. His peace is awesome. Nothing compares to what God can give you. Jesus is the best and what He offers His children is the best. He wants the best for His children and He delights in His people. I love God/ Jesus and I thank Him for His glorious peace that dwells within my heart and soul. This , God's peace, is what I want all to know for it is awesome. Our God is awesome.

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