Thursday, May 15, 2008

Surrounded By Beauty

Everywhere I look I see the beauty of God's creation. So many flowers, in arrays of bloom, in various hues of the Master Artist's palette. I love this time of year, Spring. It is the season of rebirth, renewal, not only of the plants and animals but also of the spirit, my spirit, that has awoken from a long season of mourning.

Yes, I was in mourning for what I had lost in my marriage. I had allowed that mourning, that sorrow, to hold me captive too long. One day God spoke to me and told me it was time to say no more. To leave my mourning behind. To be strengthened and arise. To move forward and not look back, nor let the past hold sway over me any longer. God strengthened me. I did not do this on my own. I cried out to God in my heartache and hurt and He heard me. I was in despair but God let me know that it is He, who truly cares.

We all have loved and lost. It is a part of living, growing, breathing and dying. We learn from the experiences we have in this life and hopefully we learn not to repeat the same mistakes. We must forgive those who hurt us for whatever reason they choose to or chose to hurt us. But too, we should remember and learn from the hurt we suffered so we will not return to the same deeds that led us down the path to heartache and hurt. We must guard our heart as it says in God's Word, the Holy Bible.

Did you ever wonder what was meant by " guard your heart" ?

Proverbs 4:23 23)Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Philippians 4:6-7 6)Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God 7)And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

We must guard our hearts for the Lord dwells in the hearts of His children. Our hearts are special to God for his children's hearts are His. Out of the abundance of one's heart we can tell so many things. We can observe a person and tell whether they are the Lord's child or not. We have that spirit to discern. Our fruits bear record of us. If we intentionally hurt someone, knowing that it is going to hurt them , just what are we saying about ourself to others when we choose to willfully hurt another knowing it will hurt them ? It is not sending a good message to others about ourself. Now what message do you think we are sending to God when we intentionally hurt another person ? We have the opportunity not to hurt someone by doing the right thing. Yet so often we choose to hurt someone so we ourself, or someone else, can benefit at the expense of the person that one chose to hurt. It would be easier to do the right thing so why do we so often choose to do the thing we know will cause hurt and heartache to another ?Personally, I believe it is done in selfishness and for selfish reasons.

Some people believe that after one has been hurt so many times their heart becomes hardened to trusting another or to taking the chance to love another. But there is a difference between hardening of one's heart and guarding one's heart. I have chosen to guard my heart as the Lord directs us to in His Word.

My point is that the Lord woke me from my mourning and told me to guard my heart. He renewed me, refreshed me, uplifted me, and made my path clear, that I was to follow upon for Him and in His service. To no longer be held down or allow the grief and mourning to have control over me. For no one on this earth or no thing in this earth is worth losing the Lord Jesus, Father God over. We must think of it on this wise because the Lord gave His all for us. Are you willing to give your all for Him ? I am !

Just as the flowers burst into bloom and as the trees break forth, unfurling their leaves towards the dawning of a new day so to doth my heart sing a new song of praise to Him. As the grass stretches forth it's blades to the sky , so to doth my spirit reach out to God. As the iridescent blue Indigo Bunting takes flight to the sky so to doth my love and soul soar towards the Heavens as gossamer set forth to freely fly. I praise my Lord and Saviour.

I cried unto the Lord in Heaven and He heard my cry. He uplifted me, He blest me. His Word tells us that if we cry to Him as His children then He will hear us and He will heed our call. I know this for He heard me and He answered. I rejoice in the Light of His Love. My life is His. I shall live for Him and in His service and do His bidding. Where ever He leads me, there I shall follow. But by the grace of God I exist as I am. I am His. I am surrounded by His beauty. Surrounded by beauty of His design that can only be created by His hand, His beauty.