Saturday, May 5, 2007
Truly Loving Your Children
There are people who have children and then there are parents. Among those parents there is a sub category of parents. Parents who truly love their children and care about where their children's soul will spend eternity.
We , as parents, have the ability and the means to teach our children about God/Jesus Christ. If we truly Love our children as God wants us to, then we will teach them about God/Jesus. The Bible, God's Word, tells us to raise up a child in the way he should go.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
This passage tells us that we, as parents, have the responsibility to teach our children about God/Jesus. The responsibility to teach our children right from wrong. To teach them what they need to know so they can make decisions on their own, that will benefit them in their future life as a Christian, here on Earth. Also to teach them the things they need to know that will ensure them of having a Heavenly Home with Jesus one day. We have that responsibility and if we , truly, Love our children then we will teach them the right way, God's Way.
For example, the way we ,us parents, live our life, each and everyday, shows whether we are true Christians or whether we are pretending to be something we truly are not. If you go around cussing and swearing or drinking, having sex with someone other than your spouse,view pornography, say things to your child like," Wow did you see the way that girl/guy looked wasn't that sexy", if you lust after others other than your spouse and you let your children see or know any of these things then your children are learning by the example you are setting for them. Just as what you watch on television or listen to in the form of music says. You are teaching your children to learn by the example you are setting for them. You, as a parent, are the first and most effectual examples that your child will ever focus upon.
Just as if you live your life by going to Church, reading your Bible daily, saying prayers, blessings over food, praising the Lord out loud , singing gospel songs, doing things that will benefit others, actively serving God in whatever you do, not being afraid to serve God and share Him with others.If your children see you doing this for the Lord , they will learn by your example. By living your life , as a parent, for the Lord and in God's service you are teaching your child to learn by the example you are setting before them. Again you, as a parent, are the first and most effectual examples that your child will ever focus upon.
Other people can look at you and tell whom you live your life for, whether it be for God/Jesus or for the devil/world. Just as people can see how , the way you live your life, affects your children. You reflect upon your children , just as your children reflect upon you. Children learn by example.
Proverbs 20:11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.
In all of this , if you truly Love your child and care about where their soul will spend eternity ,you will teach them of the Lord and the Lord's ways. You will live a good godly life before them.There comes a time in every parents life, when they have to step aside and let their children go out on their own. It is best to prepare that child, for when the time comes for it to go out on it's own, to be prepared in and of the Lord. With God in their life they will know how to live for the Lord instead of serving the devil/world and the ways of the devil/world. For we live in this world but we are not to be a part of it. Yes, that can be done. And we, as parents, if we have taught our children of the Lord, armed them with the Full Armor of God, then our children are prepared to live in this world/devil but not be partakers of the world/devil and it's ways. We have prepared them to be able to live and work their way as a Christian, a true Christian, if we have set the proper example before them and have instructed them as God directs us to in His Word, the Holy Bible.
If you Love your child you will teach them of God/Jesus and the right Way, the only Way, to live their life. By doing this you have insured them with God.
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